PERPAY - A world class HRMIS system
Sign UpAvailable both On-Premise and Cloud (SaaS),Perpay Human Resource and Payroll System is a a world class HRMIS system. It provides the HR practitioner and the organization as a whole, with invaluable assistance in both the “administrative” and “executive” facets of the HR management function.
Perpay offers:
- Fully customizable modules
- Secure authentication.
- Intuitive, user-friendly UI
- Robust & reliable support
- Cost-effective packages
- Multi country/company/currency operations
- Integration to other products

Available Modules
Employee Master Records
Perpay Master detail module is a modern database built on the employee record as the cornerstone of information. All employee data and records are filed and stored in one place, simplifying employee record management. Features include:
- Employee Names
- Current position and grade
- Terms of service (contract, probation, permanent etc)
- Basic/Consolidated pay
- Employee organisation/business unit
- Date of employment and date of birth
- National ID number
- Tax and other statutory Numbers (PIN, NSSF, NHIF, HELB etc)
- Employee Status (in service, interdicted, suspended etc)

Perpay payroll system is a standard, fully configurable and user-friendly Payroll management system which cater to a wide variety of customer experiences of different types of companies. This system makes the whole payroll process simpler and error free & provides all ways of paying employees according to different payment policies and regulatory frameworks. Fetaures include, but are not limited to:
- Employee Self Service Portal (/ )
- Multi-Currency capable
- User defined transactions
- Maker-Checker Security feature
- Pension & Benefits Management.
- Mass data Loading of data from external files
- Statutory Deductions : P.A.Y.E, NSSF, NHIF, NITA
- Salary to bank interface files
- Monthly Summaries, Reconciliation and Payroll Journals
- Statutory Reports P10 and Nita (monthly), Pay slip and P9 cards
- Tax reliefs (Mortgage, Insurance)

Perpay's Leave management, is a comprehensive leave management module‚ with extensive possibilities of defining leave types and more. It caters for all leave application & approval processes and is able to display information on leave entitlement‚ balance‚ history, etc. With the help of the Employee Portal, Leave Module significantly streamlines all leave related procedures‚ eliminates paperwork and saves costs: Capabilities include:
- Leave Scheduling
- Dynamic Leave Setups
- Auto Generated Leave Balances
- Regulatory compliance
- Monthly or Annual Balance Accrual
- Email Notifications
- Leave Applications Escalation
- Integration with Time & Attendance

Time & Attendance
Perpay Time and Attendance module is a fully automated system that helps companies better manage, collect and process employee time sheets. Enable your employees to time in via any form of digital device or via our state-of-the-art bio-metric devices. Capabilities include:
- State of the art biometric devices.
- Shift Management
- Customized set-ups of holidays and breaks
- Time Zones
- Leave & payroll Integration
- Accurate Overtime Calculation
- Proactive Alerts
- Audit Trail
- Overtime Calculation
- Lost days/time

Perfomance Management
Perpay Performance Management module assists empoloyers to aligning the organizational objectives with their employees' agreed measures, skills, competency requirements, development plans and the delivery of results.
Perpay PMS is an effective Performance Management is a tool that enhances the process that establishes the groundwork for corporate excellence through:
- Development / Training Plans.
- Gap analysis tools.
- Probation management.
- Add/Edit objectives & initiatives.
- OKR/ Balanced Score card compatible.
- Weighted scoring system
- Multi-stage Performance reviews (Self or Joint).

Expense Management
Perpay Employees Expense Management software, tailor-made for businesses to automate expense report creation, streamline approvals and make swift reimbursements.
Process, pay, and audit employee-initiated expenses:
- Build multi-stage, and automatic approval flows.
- Dynamic policies setup.
- Post to payroll.
- Real time Travel expense claims.
- Email Notifications
- Dynamic reporting &robust audits.
The employer-employee journey, begins at recruitement. Getting the right balance between defining the roles, responsibilities and personalities to fit your culture, are fundamental to the success of this relationship.
Perpay's recruitment module helps the organization in specifying the skills your business needs and then identifiying the right candidate quickly.
This module aids in the critical task of giving the new person a clear understanding of what is required of them, and to convey this with the support and guidance of their manager and colleagues leading to a shorter onboarding period and quick productivity.
- Vacancy URL generation.
- Job portal.
- CV bank.
- Short/ Long list.
Learning Management
Perpay Learning management system is an automated tool that helps the intervention sessions on various topics to help employees enhance performance in their ongoing roles
Training enables you to upskill your workforce effectively and at lower cost. LMS enables you to manage, deliver, and monitor your training; efficiently assembling and delivering training. .
- Easily customizable training rules.
- Training needs analysis.
- Self Evaluation & Nomination.
- Budget tracking.
- Performance evaluation.
- Compatible with SCORM/XAPI Automated content delivery.
Overtime Management
Keep track of employee overtime hours with our overtime management module for your contractual and distributed Workforce
- Automated Overtime Tracking.
- Multi-Level Overtime Approval
- Email Notifications.
- Customizable Overtime Rules.
- Payroll Integration.
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Document Management
Have access of every single employee’s data at one location.
Store all employee documents – from payroll, performance to contracts, and letters – at one place. Keep track of employee data with complete and accurate documents and stay compliant with the laws.
- Smart documentation processing.
- Document policy management.
- Customizable reports.
- Secure document storage.
Loans Management
Perpay HRMS enables you to manage employees lending processes in your organization seamlessly.
Track the Loan requests, approvals and balances any time.
- Handling of multiple types of loan.
- Fixed interest calculation & reducing interest calculation.
- Online Loan Requests from the employee based on the policy.
- Loan approval process based on work flows.
- Rich option to manage the loan Equated Monthly Installment (EMI).
- Multiple loan repayment option.
- Loan balance & loan ledger employee wise.
- Handling statutory compliance for company provided loans.
Medical Management
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Asset Management
Streamline Your Company's Asset Management Process
Store and track all assets information at a single place. Create seperate asset respositories for each function or department to assign assets to employees without any hassle.
- Well-structured view of your assets
- Efficient asset request & assignment.
- Loss mitigation via rela-time asset tracking.
Job Analysis
Prepare the right job descriptions and job specifications to helps your organization to hire the right quality of workforce.
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- Knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) setup
- Define Key Performance Areas.
- Performance Indicators setup.
- Job Grades and Categories.
Cloud Tiers
We offer various packages tailored to meet your HR needs.